Detailed Guide to the Driving Theory and Practical Test for New Drivers in Abu Dhabi

Get ready for your journey to become a confident and skilled driver!

Final Driving Test

Get ready to pass the test!

Observational Skills

When driving in Abudhabi, candidates need to be good at paying attention to what's happening around them. This means they should regularly check their rearview and side mirrors to see what's going on with the traffic nearby and watch out for any possible dangers. It's also important for them to be extra careful and look over their shoulders to spot any vehicles that might be in their blind spots, where the mirrors can't see. 

Overall Driving Performance

During driving evaluations, examiners assess candidates' overall performance behind the wheel. This includes evaluating their confidence, ability to make decisions, and how they handle difficult situations safely and calmly. In simpler terms, examiners look at how well candidates drive, how sure they are in their driving skills, how they make choices while driving, and how they handle tough situations without panicking.

  • Types of Theory Test Exam

  • Final Driving Test