Various topics covering in the final driving test

There are various topics the examiner will ask you to perform in the final driving test and you should know well aware about those prior to the test.

Exit highway

The safe and proper exiting the highway is mandatory to pass the test and get your driving license

Exiting a highway safely is important for every driver. Here's a step-by-step guide to make it easier:

Plan Ahead: Pay attention to signs indicating upcoming exits. This will give you time to prepare for your exit.

Signal Early: Once you know you're going to exit, use your turn signal to let other drivers know your intentions.

Check Your Surroundings: Look over your shoulder and use your mirrors to make sure it's safe to change lanes.

Start to Move Over: Begin to move into the exit lane well before your actual exit. Be aware of other vehicles and make sure to leave enough space between you and the cars around you.

Slow Down Gradually: As you approach the exit ramp, reduce your speed gradually to match the posted speed limit for the exit ramp.

Follow the Ramp: Follow the curve of the exit ramp, maintaining a safe speed. Be prepared for any sharp turns or merging lanes.

Stay Alert: Keep an eye out for any pedestrians, cyclists, or other vehicles as you exit the highway.

Complete Your Exit: Once you've safely navigated the exit ramp, continue following any signs to reach your destination.

By following these steps, you can exit the highway smoothly and safely. Remember to always be cautious and considerate of other drivers on the road.

  • Take out from the parking yard
  • Two way driving
  • How to make U-turn
  • Driving on three lane road
  • Driving on Two Lane Road

  • Lane changing
  • Roundabout
  • How do you face a traffic signal

  • Merging into highway
  • Highway or Freeway driving
  • Exit highway
  • Park the vehicle