Various topics covering in the final driving test

There are various topics the examiner will ask you to perform in the final driving test and you should know well aware about those prior to the test.

Merging into highway

If the examiner wants you to drive in the highway, you should merge in to highway safe manner.

Merging onto highways can be a bit tricky, but it's manageable if you follow a few simple steps. First, when you're on the entrance ramp, check your mirrors and blind spots for any cars already on the highway. Then, signal your intention to merge by using your turn signal. As you approach the highway, match your speed to the flow of traffic.

Try to find a gap between cars on the highway, but don't cut anyone off. When you find a safe opening, merge smoothly into the lane. Remember to keep a safe distance from other cars and adjust your speed as needed to merge smoothly.

Entering Highway 

Things to note;

  1. You need to use the Ramp as quickly as possible to reach the speed limit of the highway. 
  2. Use the indicator and blindspot check to ensure no vehicles are on the lane, and merge safely. 
  3. If any vehicles are in your lane and you don't have any further space to drive you need to wait patiently. Unsafe entry will cause accidents 
  4. When on the entry ramp, you should signal the indicator early and check mirrors and your blind spot to merge safely. Ensure that you keep a safe space behind other traffic as they may stop suddenly. 
  5. Once completed merging cancel the indicator

  • Take out from the parking yard
  • Two way driving
  • How to make U-turn
  • Driving on three lane road
  • Driving on Two Lane Road

  • Lane changing
  • Roundabout
  • How do you face a traffic signal

  • Merging into highway
  • Highway or Freeway driving
  • Exit highway
  • Park the vehicle