Various topics covering in the final driving test

There are various topics the examiner will ask you to perform in the final driving test and you should know well aware about those prior to the test.

Highway or Freeway driving

In this topic examiner will check how are you performing your task and are you a confident driver to drive on the hidg speed highway

Driving on the highway can be a little bit scary at first, but it is simple once you understand the tips and rules of highway driving

 Driving is moving or traveling to your destination in vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses, and bicycles. Still, one of the exciting facts is that the driver will be a person like me or you who control the vehicle's movement. But as a driver, he should have driving skills including strong knowledge of traffic laws, maintenance knowledge, practice, etc... These skills can obtain through training and various driving guidelines.

A driver can not drive as he wishes he has to follow traffic rules and regulations and the safety of other road users. And also you should be very careful while driving.

Differences between Highway/ Freeway driving

A freeway is a "controlled-access" highway also known as an express highway. Freeway driving is there will be no traffic signals, intersections, or at-grade crossings with other roads, railways, or pedestrians paths. Highways usually have multiple lanes for traffic, and freeways have limited traffic control. A highway is a main road, especially one that connects towns or cities. The speed limits on freeways are generally higher than on highways.

Highway Driving

Driving on the highway can be a little bit scary at first, but it is simple once you understand the tips and rules of highway driving. A driver always maintains a speed limit while driving on highway roads. He can not speed up, speed down, or break his vehicle while driving on highways. Moreover, he has to strictly follow a speed limit as shown in the traffic signal. 

When you are driving on highways you have to maintain a constant speed, choose an appropriate lane, keep a distance from your front vehicle, etc... Speed is one of the most important things in highway driving. A driver has to maintain high speed on highways and also if there are any signs that show a speed limit you have to follow and drive at that speed. 

Lane changing is another important thing in highway driving. If you need to change from one lane to another lane make sure that give the appropriate signals to know other drivers that you are intended to change the lane. You can change a lane after a complete check of everything and make sure that there is a gap to move your vehicle to the desired lane.

While driving on the highway, keep a wide distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you to avoid traffic hazards because of sudden stops or brakes.

Overtaking is another crucial aspect of highway driving. While overtaking on highways always be careful and conscious. While driving, overtaking, and changing lanes, the first thing to do is to check if a vehicle is approaching from the rear, and also you have to do a blind spot check too. 

When you are traveling at night time proper visibility on the roads is very essential. So keep your windshield clean and make sure that all lights are working properly.

When you face breakdowns while driving on highways, don't get panic. It is important to keep calm and follow these steps. First of all, you have to slow down gradually and start moving to the shoulder of the highway. Stop carefully with the car well under the shoulder lines and switch your hazard lights on, and also place a warning triangle sign to indicate that you are in an emergency situation. At night time you may face such kinds of incidents, in that time switch on the interior lights to make the vehicle as visible as you can.

Things to remember on highway driving

The highway is one of the safest places you can be well driving but the main task is to control the speed limit. There are three main parts of highway driving entering the highway, driving on the highway, and exiting. Usually, many drivers always do incorrectly get to the highway at the wrong speed. On the highway, the right lane is the slow lane or exit lane and the middle lane is where the majority of the people are going, and the left lane is the fast lane or the passing lane.

The best lane to usually drive in would be the middle lane. And space is so important in highway driving. You need to have space in front of the car and behind the car, to the left and right at all time

Five important steps to change the lane while driving on highways
  • Turn on your turn signal
  • Check your rearview and side mirrors
  • Check your blind spot
  • Switch lanes
  • Turn off your signal
When you are trying to change the lane firstly, you have to make sure that put your turn signal on and which helps other drivers to know that you are going to change the lane. In this case, put your turn signal and once you do this wait for three flashes check your left and right mirror and make sure there is no car, and also check your rearview mirror to check if someone tries to pass or change lanes, then do a shoulder check to make sure there are no cars on the blind spot after you notice everything is clear and start changing lane slowly and carefully. Once you have done this don't forget to turn the signal off.

Freeway Driving

A freeway is also called an expressway which means a high-speed, multi-lane road. Vehicle speed is higher on a freeway than on other roads. So driving on the freeway can be more difficult than on other roads. Because there are no intersections, bicycles, or pedestrians, freeway driving will be easy and smooth for experienced drivers.  Freeway driving can be challenging for new drivers, especially going through the freeway ramp. 

Enter the freeway safely

When you are entering the freeway, turn on your signals, accelerate to a safe speed close to the flow of the freeway traffic, look over your shoulder and mirrors to make sure that you have a safe distance and opening, and then merge into the freeway.

You have to drive at the speed limit shown on the traffic signs. On the freeways, the left lanes are used by faster traffic and the right lane are used by slower traffic. So select a lane that is suitable for your driving speed.

Besides right lane should be used for entering and exiting the freeway, and the left lane should be used for passing. Always use your turn signal to communicate with other drivers that you are changing from one lane to another lane.

Always check your mirrors and also look over your shoulder to make sure that everything is clear before changing the lane. Always maintain a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you and your left and right. It will help you to avoid traffic hazards because of sudden stops or brakes.

Do not park on side of the freeways also avoid stopping on the pavement, shoulders, or ramps of any freeway except in emergency situations. If your car breaks down on the freeway, turn on your hazards rights and try to pull over onto the freeway shoulder as far away from oncoming traffic as possible.

  • Take out from the parking yard
  • Two way driving
  • How to make U-turn
  • Driving on three lane road
  • Driving on Two Lane Road

  • Lane changing
  • Roundabout
  • How do you face a traffic signal

  • Merging into highway
  • Highway or Freeway driving
  • Exit highway
  • Park the vehicle